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It’s highly recommended that you use the Crosswinds Blocks plugin along with a Crosswinds Framework theme. Here are some of the blocks you can use with the plugin.


The Crosswinds Blocks plugin comes with an accordions block that are perfect for an frequently asked questions section or other area where you want to present a lot of information but not take up too much room on the page.

Basic Grid

The Crosswinds Blocks plugin comes with a basic grid block that allows you to define how many columns there are on desktop, tablet and mobile screen sizes.


The Crosswinds Blocks plugin comes with a marquee block, which allows you to show a horizontally scrolling section of text.

Single Content

The Crosswinds Blocks plugin comes with a single content block, which allows you to highlight a specific blog post, page or other custom post type.

Skills Slider

The Crosswinds Blocks plugin comes with a skills slider block that allows you to visually display your skills.

Social Share Content

The Crosswinds Block plugin comes with a social sharing block that allows a reader to quickly share your post or page. This block is best used in a single post (or other post type) template.


The Crosswinds Blocks plugin comes with a tabs block to allow you to create a section of tabs either horizontally or vertically stacked.