Almost Done with the Latest Round of Edits
So it’s been a while since I’ve gotten around to writing an update for how the Nuovo theme edits are going, so here we go.
As things stand now, things are actually moving along well. The edits are happening slower than I would like, but it’s steadily getting down, which is an accomplishment given my schedule this semester.
In the time between updates, I’ve made a massive change to the theme options, re-working the page using a different tutorial to give me more control of the page and, more importantly, to put all of the options in one array, which is required by WordPress.
I’ve also gone through and put all hard coded strings into __() and _e() functions. This is necessary for translation. And that brings me to another big change and undertaking–translating the theme.
Fortunately, translating the theme hasn’t been that hard. It primarily consists of me using a service called “Poedit” which looks for those “gettext” functions and brings them up in the interface for me to select or type in the translation for it for a specific language. It is a bit tedious at times, but it’s simple, which is nice.
So the plan going forward now is to continue translating the theme into a few more languages and then making sure that each function and variable has a theme-specific slug. After that, I’ll be shipping it back again for it to get reviewed.