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Block patterns are the way you can quickly create great pages on your website. Journal Notes comes packed with patterns that can allow you to add in cool sections and customize the page, single post and archive templates and anything in between. You can discover all of the patterns that come with Journal Notes below.

Call to Action Sections

Highlight a section with a background, heading, paragraph text and a button for a reader to click.


Journal Notes comes with several different footers that you can customize for your website.


Journal Notes comes with several different headers that you can use for your website.

Page & Post Headers

Customize the way your pages and posts start with these page and post headers.


Journal Notes comes with a few different query styles you can try for your blog and archive pages.

Search Filters

Allow your readers to use various filters to find the post they’re looking for.

Site Titles

Customize the way your default homepage looks with these site title patterns.


Currently Crosswinds Framework comes with one widget style you can use for your sidebar.