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Journal Notes comes with a few different query styles you can try for your blog and archive pages.

  • A U.S. weightlifter smiles with her bronze medal

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Eighteen: Diving off the deep end

  • A U.S. weightlifter smiles with her bronze medal

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Seventeen: A wild medal story appears

  • The inside of the Olympic Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Sixteen: More struggles

  • The U.S. and Serbia play in men's basketball in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Fifteen: The ups and downs

  • inside the fencing arena in the Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Fourteen: En garde

  • Flamengo beach looking out across the water with mountains in the background

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Thirteen: What a mess

  • The diving stadium in the Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Twelve: Much needed rest

  • The Olympic rings next to the lake for rowing in Rio de Janeiro

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Eleven: Row, row, row your boat (Part II)

  • A look inside the tennis stadium in the Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Ten: Row, row, row your boat again … or not

  • Rowers compete in the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro

    Rio Olympics Blog — Day Nine: Row, row, row your boat (Part I)