So if we’ve learned anything during our first few days in Rio De Janeiro, it’s that nothing really ever happens quick in this city.
For example, Tuesday we made the trek over to the famous Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking the city, but the journey took us a little over two hours just to get to the train that takes tourist up the mountain to the statue. It was a massive exercise in patience just to say the least.
And when we got there, we were greeted with this.

When we left, we had a clear view of the statue, but with the delays in our travels, clouds and rain had moved in around the statue. In a way, it was kind of cool, because we had never experienced that before, but it was disappointing not to really get the great view of Rio down below.
It wasn’t all bad though. While eating at the small restaurant at the top, we saw an anteater (I believe) and a monkey, which was hilarious entertainment.
Getting back, however, wasn’t exactly fun either, with the return trip taking about three hours.
Wednesday will be a bit more chill, I believe. We’re heading back to the media center to do some work for and hopefully get story assignments.
Miles walked today: 4.54
Total miles walked: 28.35