To say that the work with the rebuild of Nuovo has been quick might be an understatement.
This time last week I was only a part way through the different templates. Now, seven days later, I’ve finished all of the template files and have put it up on the development site. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite come out initially as I had hope, though that’s par for the course.
So now the task is to go through each of the templates and do a cursory fix of them and make sure all of the styles gel correctly. After that, I’ll work on the mobile styling and the tablet styling and then move into the heavy testing phase. Overall, I feel almost were I was this time last month with Giornalismo in the development.
Speaking of Giornalismo, the testing continues to go on with that. I’ve been going through looking closely for errors and fixing them. Things are still on track to submit the theme for review sometime around the end of the month.
And lastly, the plugin side of things. I committed a new version of the JM Breaking News Plugin this week. This new version now allows users to select whether the breaking news link will be internal or external and if it’s internal, a dropdown select menu appears allowing users to select the post they want to link to.
A number of things from that update will go into a new plugin I’m planning to start working on before the month’s end. It’ll be like a read more section, allowing post authors to add links to internal or external posts to allow readers to explore topics more in-depth.
So yeah, it’s been a pretty busy time around here.