Pulled Out Videos
VideoPlace features great support for displaying your videos. Simply place the YouTube, Vimeo or other embedded video link into the post and VideoPlace puts it in all of the necessary places to give your videos the treatment they deserve.
VideoPlace supports one main menu displayed under the header that you can customize.
Custom Header
Put your mark on your website with a custom header. The maximum size for the header is 1000px by 250px but smaller headers will work with no issues.
Custom Background
Go further with customizing the look of your website with a custom background. For maximum readability, a solid, dark-ish color works best.
Related Videos
Your viewers will easily be able to go between posts with a related posts section below the comments, similar to that of YouTube. And the best part, you don’t have to do anything to make it happen.
Site Logo Support
Since WordPress 4.3, users have been able to add a site logo for their website. VideoPlace takes advantage of that by pulling that site logo, if you have one, and putting it in the footer. Go to Customize > Site Identity to upload your logo.
Two Footer Widget Areas
Also in the footer are two widget areas, perfectly set up for a custom menu and other widgets that you may want use.
Excerpt Support
VideoPlace extensively uses the excerpt feature of WordPress, which should act as a short description of the video. You can add an excerpt at the bottom of the post editor. If it’s not there, go to ‘Screen Options’ and make sure ‘Excerpt’ is selected.