If you like what you see, download this theme. Download VideoPlace

How To’s

First Post

Setting up your first post might be a little bit interesting, compared to other themes. If you are confused, follow the steps below to maximize the post possibilities.

  • Like any typical post, give the post a title and write the post in the post editor.
  • Copy the video link and place it anywhere in the story (although putting at the top is the easiest).
  • Give the post an excerpt. If you don’t see the excerpt box below the post editor, go to ‘Screen Options’ and make sure ‘Excerpt’ is selected. Make sure it’s around 150 to 200 characters.
  • Put some tags on the post. This helps when finding related videos.
  • Because the video shows up instead of a featured photo, you don’t have to worry about adding one to the post.

Set Up a Child Theme

When customizing a theme, the best practice is to create a child theme. This way, when you update the parent theme, all of your changes will still remain intact. Creating a child theme is very simple if you use the steps below.

  • Using your preferred FTP client, navigate to the “themes” directory inside the “wp-content” directory and create a directory titled “videoplace-child”.
  • Once there, create a style.css file and add the following lines of code in there and save.
    Theme Name: VideoPlace Child
    Description: Child theme for VideoPlace theme
    Author: <Your Name>
    Template: videoplace
  • Then create a functions.php file and add the following code and save.
    <?php function videoplace_child_theme_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'main_css', get_stylesheet_uri() );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'videoplace_child_theme_styles', 10 ); ?>